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In my final year as an Interior Architecture Student, I concluded that my final major project would be my statement piece and signature. Redeveloping the faraway house in the heart of Adelaide City as a local brewery for all walks of life.

The goal was to incorporate all that was learnt throughout my four years of study and design a space like no other. This was successfully completed through presentation with a 2.4m print which was shown at the UNISA Architecture Exhibition. 

This is 21 Franklin St Brewery. 

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After a succesful final project submission for Studio 8 of Interior Architecture studies at The University of South Australia. I wanted to persue my interests in residential architecture and design. I did this by reaching out to my family and friends, to support them in their home designs, rennovation decisions and floor plans with new home builds. Currently receiving interest from word of mouth. 




Oct 2023 - Current

Residential Lighting Designer

I am currently a residential lighting designer for Beacon Lighting Commercial SA, developing electrical floor plans with clients privately through construction companies through the Lucci Design program. 


Nov 22 - Sep 23

Sales Specialist

Custom home theatre specialist store. Entering this business with interior design and client development in mind, supporting with the preparation and opening of the first Theatre At Home store in SA.

Theatre At Home has taught me the requirements for home theatres, smart home automation and electrical/tech with product knowledge while working alongside a client and their existing floor plans.


Oct 18 - Nov 22

Sales Assistant
Warehouse Persons

My first step into a part of the Interior Designing world. As a Sales Assistant I have completed multiple tasks and gained knowledge in many more.

While working for House & Garden I have branched out with my manager from Gepps Cross to the Richmond Store/Warehouse as an assistant manager to run the Warehouse.




Bachelor of Interior Architecture

J A N U A RY 2 0 1 9 - M AY 2 0 2 3

Interior Architecture is my current passion in exploring my designing capabilities, this degree has advanced my knowledge in using creative software’s and working directly with clients.

Excelling in the use of REVIT, Autodesk, 3DS MAX, AutoCAD and majority of the Adobe Creative Software. Proving my strengths in 3D Rendering and Animation.


Elective - Digital Photography, University of South Australia

N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 1 - D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1

Elective - Digital Graphics and Imaging, University of South Australia

J U N E 2 0 2 1 - A U G U S T 2 0 2 1

Elective - Social Media, University of South Australia

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Placement/Work Experience, Rossdale Homes, Selections Consultant

J U LY 2 0 2 2 - A U G S U S T 2 0 2 2


Feel free to contact me via my email or social bellow for further information on my employment history and or education and experience. 

Cameron Chappell in Sydney.jpeg


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